Roll-up Croquet Sessions

The Taster Sessions were very successful and those new to the game got a good introduction.

We’re now planning the Roll-Up sessions and these will be put on the Booking System in the next few days

Taster Sessions

Saturday April 20th 2pmSaturday April 20th 4pmWednesday April 24th 2pmWednesday April 24th 4pm
WatsonLJohnEAngelaWAndrewL F

Please make sure you are wearing flat soled shoes.

Also you’ll know that membership of the Traco Social Club is mandatory. For those of you who haven’t yet joined, I will have application forms with me, but can you also bring £30 in cash

I’d also encourage you to register at Welcome to Aldershot Traction Bowls and Croquet Club – Aldershot Traction Bowls and Croquet Club ( Note that this is a separate process from joining the Club, which you’ve done already. Registering on the website will give you access to the Members Area on the site, which will allow you to book the lawn etc. We will be planning roll-up sessions as well anyway – we’ll discuss these at the Taster Sessions.

Taster sessions

Weather permitting, we will be running the first of our “taster” sessions for croquet next Saturday, April 20th. There will be a session at 2pm and another at 4pm, each for up to 8 people. There will then be two further sessions at the same times on Wednesday April 24th. Registered members should have received an email inviting them to book their session.

We set up the lawn this morning, and it’s looking great!

Friendly Croquet Match at Woking

We have arranged our first friendly match. This will be away at Woking Croquet Club on Tuesday 25th June.

We will need a team of 4 players each of whom will each get to play 3 games each. Woking are intending to field a team of high handicappers (8+), so I think this will suit us well. It will be great match experience for those new to the game in our club.

Open Day Meeting on 17th March

We had a very successful Open Day Meeting at the Traco Social Club on 17th March. Although the early morning weather was poor, it had cleared by the start of the meeting, which allowed everyone to have a look at the great condition that the lawn is in as a result of all the hard work put in by the greenkeepers.

About 35 people attended – this had all been done by word of mouth, so we were very pleased by this turnout. Andy Walker gave a formal presentation describing the background to the Club and the playing arrangements which have been agreed with the Bowls section of the Club. This presentation can be viewed or downloaded by clicking here.

Many of those at the meeting have already joined the Club. We now have 27 Croquet members, and together with the 33 Bowls members, we are well on the way to reaching our target (and capacity Limit) of 100 members in total. If you’d like to join, please click here.