Traco Internal Bowls Finals 2024
Club Championship – Winner : Gary Arnold . Runner-up : Brian Nichols
Drawn Pairs – Winners : Imran Khan & Kathy Nichols .Runners up :Steve Stairs & Sue Smith
2 Wood – Winner : Dave Whitehead . Runner-up : Brian Nichols
Handicap – Winner : Imran Khan . Runner-up : Ann Granger
Prior Cup – Winner : Gary Arnold . Runner-up : Ann Granger
Most improved player : Peter
Congratulations to all players involved throughout all competitions and well done to all those who turned out in support on the day. Thank you to all involved behind the scenes doing all the donkey work and well done bar b cue Pete on keeping us fed on the day.
Etiquette on the Green
The Club’s aim is to provide a playing environment which is friendly, competitive and enjoyed by all.
This list, which is by no means exhaustive, is a guide to good conduct on the green.
Remember bowling is a friendly game and all players should show courtesy and good sportsmanship.
Shake hands before a match and at its conclusion. Be gracious whether you win or lose and compliment your opponent on a good shot.
Never criticise your opponents, the green or yourown team. If you cannot say something positive say nothing.
Encourage and praise the rest of your team. Bowls is a team game and everyone should be working together.
Don’t applaud a team member who has outrageous luck and admit a fluke with grace.
Refrain from talking opponent’s woods out of the head or ill-wishing an opponent’s bowl (think it if you must, but never say it out loud).
Avoid dropping bowls onto the green – this can damage the playing surface.
Do not start ‘breaking up the head’ until the score for the end has been agreed.

Remember it’s only one person’s job to agree the score with his or her opposite number – rest of the team should stand well back.

Firing! – if you are about to deliver a ‘heavy’ wood, please ensure that the teams at the head on both your rink and adjacent rinks are aware so that they can take appropriate action to prevent injury to themselves and/or damage to the heads on on other rinks.
At the mat end, when not occupying the mat, players should stand at least a metre behind the mat, being careful not to distract the player about to bowl, by moving about or talking. When you have delivered your bowl and it has come to rest the possession of the mat passes to your opponent, so move away quickly.
When you are behind the head, stand still and do not stand where you obscure the boundary or rink markers.
When changing ends, players should walk quickly down the centre of the rink (but don’t run).
Please do not walk behind a rink (i.e. on the Green’s external surrounds) when a bowler on that rink is about to bowl.
Mobile Phones must be switched off if taken on the green or surrounds.
Footwear – Only bowling shoes may be worn on the green.
Using foul and or abusive language on the green is contrary to the laws and spirit of the game. Please remember good etiquette and manners make for a pleasant game and cost nothing. If someone else makes a mistake, don’t react badly – have a quiet word politely!
Allegations of misconduct on the green should be made in writing to the Bowling Committee who will consider if there is a case for a member to answer.
The Committee will make known its findings to the relevant parties and if necessary include these in the minutes of the meeting.
1st August to 31st August – renewal of Social Club Membership – remember people to be a member of the Traco Bowls & Croquet Club you must also be a member of the Social Club. There is more information in the News section of the website.
Sunday 22nd September – Our Internal Club Competition Finals Day – Timings and further information will be published in due Corse.
Wednesday 30th October – Bowls & Croquet Club AGM.
The Game of Bowls
The sport is great fun when played at a friendly match level but also extremely competitive at Club, District and County levels. Our Club provides an environment suitable to enjoy the sport both socially and competitively. We can offer coaching and help initially with equipment you need to get started. Then it’s up to you to practice and have fun.
Bowls can be played all year round both indoors or outdoors but lawn bowls is an outside game and is usually played from May until September. Bowling is an extremely skilful, satisfying and sociable pursuit which can help to maintain your co-ordination, balance and concentration. Taking place outside it can also help with mental relaxation and mindfulness to achieve a sense of well-being and achievement.
The game of bowls is played by opposing sides. but may be played as a singles match or in teams of pairs, triples or fours. Playing alternately, the aim is to get your bowl(s) nearest to the “jack” to score points. This may be done by “drawing” your bowls to the “jack” or by knocking your opponent’s scoring bowl off the Jack and taking its place. Each bowl has an in-built “bias”, so skill is required to know which line to take up the “green” and the weight of the delivery to achieve the required result. Ground and weather conditions may also have an impact in the ease or difficulty of reaching the target jack.